from several Nova Scotia newspapers
Jan. 1904
VanEmburg - Nickerson
The F. B. Church was filled to overflowing on Wednesday afternoon on the 27th, the occasion being the marriage of Miss May Estelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Nickerson of this place to Capt. James F. VanEmburg of Central Argyle. The church was decorated with green and white.
The ceremony which was performed by Rev. A. H. McLeod took place beneath a floral bell suspended from the central arch of the church.
Promptly at five o’clock the bridal party entered the church to the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march played by Mrs. George Newell. The bride was given away by her father and was attended by her sister Miss Daisy and preceeded by her cousin little miss Abbie Nickerson as flower girl. The groom was supported by Mr. Robert A. Nickerson, brother of the bride. The bride’s dress was of white silk lansdowne with applique trimmings and veil. She carried a handsome bouquet of brideroses and English violets. The bridesmaid was attired in a dress of cream albatross trimmed with lace.
After the nuptial knot was securely tied a reception was given at her father’s residence to about 250 invited guests. An excellent collation was served and the evening passed very pleasantly.
The presents were numerous and valuable testifying to the popularity of the young couple. The choir, of which the bride has been the efficient organist for about eight years, accompanied their gift of a music rack with an address expressive of the esteem in which she is deservedly held by them. The Coast-Guard joins in congratulations to the young couple.
You became acquainted with my grandfather, James F. VanAmburg, in my last 2 blogs - he was born 23 Oct 1876; d 27 Mar 1949 Clarks Harbor, Cape Sable Island, Nova Scotia.
There will be more about them both in future posts, and especially about my Nana Van - Mae Estelle (Nickerson)VanAmburg who was b 1877; d May 1965.They had one child - Robert A. VanAmburg, my father.