And a special welcome to Leanne -
In her owen words: "I am so pleased to add to this blog. I am in central Pennslyvania. A member of the Colonial Dames of the XVII John Hand Chapter. DARA Shikelimo Chapter Lewisburg, Pa. My children and I are currently forming a Children of The American Revolution Chapter in Union County Pa. We will be sponsored by my DAR chapter. I am actuvely recruiting members for the formation of this society. We participate in Northern Lancaster Long Rifles in May, Union County Heritage Days in August, Fort Freeland Days in October, Fort Freeland/Warrior Run Apprentice program. Several local parades and events as well as photographing and documenting old cemeteries and church records.contact me at sparrow2@gmail.com. "
A Dual Concept
As we begin to promote this dual concept of DAR and re-enacting/interpretation as a way of encouraging prospective DAR members (women, 18 and over who can document their lineage to a man or woman who was a patriot - not just military - in the American Revolution) to go ahead and put together their application papers. This procedure is to be found, along with a multiplicity of opportunities to interest and involve in this non-profit, non-political volunteer women's service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history and securing America's future through better education. More than 836,000 have joined since it was founded in 1890. DAR was incorporated by an Act of Congress in 1896. More at http://www.dar.org/